As we know in foundry in contrast of other industries because of wide range of affective parameters on quality, it will be very hard and sometimes impossible to control all parameters and processes.
Products quality is concern of each firm that wants to remain in market. It will cause reputation for companies and will be their honor little by little. In foundry industries, process control is very hard job to do. Many effective parameters should be checked to make a sound casting and sometimes it is not possible or is not economic to check all of them. So in many foundries the quality assurance try to reach "Zero Escaped Defect" instead of out of reach "Zero Defect".
In Esfahan Malleable Company we consider quality as a systematic process that all managers, workers, subcontractors and even shareholders are effective on it. We try to have strict control on our manufacturing processes to decrease the fluctuations. But our wide range of materials and casting shapes makes impossible to prevent defects. Anyway in this situation we should limit our returned parts to near zero. We have started this journey from 2013 and our goal is that at the end of 2015 we completely prevent sending defective parts to customers and meet the Zero Escaped Defects.
Another innovative action in our quality assurance department is using FMEA to predict and prevent defects. By using this tool we will know the possible defects and the most effective processes and parameters that will play role in creation of specific defect. According to these data we could develop our specific quality plan for each part.
Continuous improvement of products and processes also are very important for us. So we have prepared an exact and strict procedure to do preventive and corrective actions. We use these experiences in developing new products.
Eventually quality is related to customer idea so we need and ask our customers to help us know more about their needs and consider a customer complain as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Please let know which mark from 0 to 20 you will consider for us between our competitors? click to open related page