We Change Ever-Repeated Wear Story
EMC 50
Wear and Impact Resistant Cast Steel
EMC 50 is an innovative cast martensitic steel. The main advantage of this steel is high charpy V impact energy (Min. 25 J) in 47-52 HRC hardness range..
EMC 50 could be a suitable replacement for AR plate made wear parts and even high manganese austenitic steel parts. In case of AR plates- such as Hardox, Dillidur, XAR and Abrex- casting process help us to reduce the machining and fabrication processes.
Hardenability, weldability and mechanical properties of EMC50 is comparable with Hardox 500. In a 100 mm thickness the surface to core hardness is 51 to 47 HRC.
· * Wear liners for ball mill, Chutes, AG/SAG mills, Crushers and similar equipment
· * Hammers for Hammer mills and crushers
· * Bucket teeth, Reclaimer teeth and bucket protection wear liners
· * High manganese austenitic (Hadfield) steel casting parts
· * Complicated and heavy wear resistant parts
· * 20 to 55 % Wear costs reduction
· * The same wear life as AR plate made parts
· * Weldable
· * Near net shape parts production without fabrication and machining process
· * Ceramic composite addition for extreme wear conditions and increasing wear life
MMC (Metal Matrix Composite)
In addition to the base tough steel our engineers have developed ceramic composites to use for extreme wear conditions. We use Alumina ceramic bonded in the steels in critical wear regions to reduce the wear abrasion loss